Meet Our Theatre and Dance Class of 2022 Senior Spotlight Series: Jazzi Bullock in “Spring Awakening”
We’re back with another Senior Spotlight, this time for "Spring Awakening!" Meet Jazzi Bullock (she/her) playing Fanny Gabor in Spring Awakening. Jazzi is fourth-year BA Theatre Major with a Minor in Musical Theatre.
Don’t miss your opportunity to see Jazzi as Fanny Gabor in "Spring Awakening", a production of our Underground Series this semester.
Performance dates for "Spring Awakening" are Friday, November 12 at 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, November 13 at 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
For tickets and more information, visit:
Learn more about Jazzi Bullock in our interview with her below:

What has your experience been like working on this show?
Honestly, I’m honored to be a part of this group of fantastic creative individuals and performing the first live musical on campus since the pandemic hit.
What has been your favorite part of the process?
My favorite part of this process is how this show is run entirely by students and being able to build this show with my peers.
What advice would you give to students coming to our program?
Some advice I would give to other students in the program would be to not get too comfortable in your comfort zone. There is so much to discover and explore, and you’d be doing yourself a disservice to not find those things, its exciting!
What is your favorite WSU memory?
A favorite memory I have at Wayne State would have to be going to a cast member’s house on Superbowl Sunday and having a big cast brunch before tech rehearsal. I love being able to enjoy the company of the people that I work with because then, we can build relationships and stronger connections with those around us.
Favorite show from the past at WSU
My favorite show that I was a part of prior to Spring Awakening would have to be Pancakes on a Sunday by Elise Marra. Being able to build a show from the ground up with the playwright is an experience I didn’t expect to get while being in school during the pandemic, but I’m so grateful that I got the chance to.
What is something interesting about you?
Something interesting about me is that I love to travel, one of my favorite places I’ve been is the Philippines. Being able to visit my family, as well as learning more about culture leads to exciting endeavors.
What is Spring Awakening about?
There are so many things that Spring Awakening is about, but the recurring theme that I noticed is change, along with how change has a domino effect on everything surrounding it.