Former WSU theatre student Lily Tomlin is featured at Detroit Historical Museum...

A Detroit Historical Museum exhibit, running July 12 through September 29, serves as a companion to the recent book HeartSoul Detroit: Conversations on the Motor City, featuring photographs by Jenny Risher. Through compelling portraits and raw interview transcripts that allow them to tell their stories in their own words, 'HeartSoul Detroit' presents 50 of the most influential, successful, fascinating and beloved Detroiters. From super-athletes like Nicklas Lidström, Barry Sanders, Al Kaline and Tommy Hearns, and writers such as Elmore Leonard, Mitch Albom and John Sinclair, to internationally admired entertainers like Lily Tomlin, Smokey Robinson, Jack White, Eminem and Martha Reeves and business visionaries such as Berry Gordy, Lee Iacocca and Bill Ford Jr., 'Heart Soul Detroit' showcases the men and women who put The Motor City on the map.

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