Dance seeks part-time faculty applicants...

The Maggie Allesee Department of Dance at Wayne State University is accepting applications for parttime faculty member positions in all areas, including Modern, Ballet, Jazz, Ballroom, Hip Hop and Dance in General Education.

Parttime faculty generally teaches one course and occasionally two courses per semester. In the technique areas, a twocredit course can involve six contact hours per week. In the area of Dance in General Education, a fourcredit course can involve five contact hours per week. In other areas of dance, a onecredit course can involve three contact hours per week. Parttime faculty are responsible for instructing students during the course hours, evaluating student work completed in the course, and holding office hours on a regular basis.

To be eligible for consideration, a candidate should have an appropriate terminal degree (e.g. MFA or PhD) or comparable professional experience. Candidates should submit a portfolio including the following: a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and a short statement of teaching philosophy of not more than one page in length. Applicants who would like their materials returned after review should include a SASE. In the letter of application, the applicant should state the subject area in which he or she is qualified to teach.

Please send the materials via US Mail to:

Maggie Allesee Department of Dance
Attention: PTF application
Wayne State University
3226 Old Main
4841 Cass Avenue
Detroit, MI 8202

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