Cheryl Turski

Cheryl Turski

Associate Professor, Head of Performance

Cheryl Turski

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Cheryl Turski, Associate Professor is an Acting and Movement for the Actor specialist for the graduate and undergraduate acting programs. She was previously a Visiting Professional Specialist at the University of Notre Dame, and an instructor with the ART/MXAT Institute at Harvard. Professionally, she has worked as a choreographer with national directors West Hyler, Allegra Libonati, Drew Fracher, Cameron Knight, and Scotty Arnold. Cheryl is a regular Movement Instructor and Choreographer with the Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival. In addition, she has performed internationally in China, as well as regionally at Meadowbrook Theatre, Purple Rose Theatre, and Tipping Point Theatre.

Area of Expertise

Movement for Actors:
Laban Movement Analysis
Ashtanga Yoga

Acting for the Stage:
Practical Aesthetics

Choreography for the Stage

Degrees and Certifications

 M.F.A. in Acting- American Repertory Theatre/Moscow Art Theatre School Institute for Advanced Theatre Training at Harvard University

B.A. - University of Notre Dame

C.M.A. - Laban/Bartenieff Institute for Movement Studies, New York, NY

Recent Publications

Recent Performance/Choreography Credits:

Actors Theatre Louisville
Notre Dame Shakespeare Festival
American Repertory Theater
Guerilla Opera

History of American Theatre- China Tour
Meadowbrook Theatre
Tipping Point Theatre
Putple Rose Theatre

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